In Illya prigogined seminal 1970? book order out of chaos alvintofler writes "one of the mosht highly devolped skills on contempory western civilixation is dissection.:the split up of a problem into their smallest possible components. We are good at it., so godd that we often forget to put the pieces back togethor again.
Science can only understand this vast chaotic world by dividing it up into smaller bitesized chunks. A chemist can understand how molecules form compounds with certain properties. A nuclear Physicis understands how atoms come togthor to form molecules. biochemist
The science of complex systems emerged because classical western science is built on a fragmentated pedogogy, inadequate to describe the gaps between each self contained discipline. Physicists bioligists and chemists use a different language to explain the world.
Information is part of the system. The abuility of lifeforms is thatthey can remember and learn. They can tranform sensory input, data, into information.
Entropy ; the amount of disorder in a system is relative to the amount of information the system can contain. The fact that life can remember information is what enables evolution to constantly try tom adapt to its enviropnment
In our day to day lives, despite the fact that part of it is spent watching the clock at work waiting for 5pm, much of our awareness is independent, or at least of different scales, to our common sense experience of time. Consider those moment, that time seams to strech, near death experiences, death of a loved one, or speaking in public. Thiere is a relationship between the number of events we need to be aware of to function, and the passage of time we experience. Information that needs to be processed in our brains takes time, and this inturn shapes the way we expterience time
Information, energy and matter togethor, create time.